Lee Universal Case Feeder
Lee Universal Case Feed Magazine automates the case feeding operation on the Auto Breech Lock Pro, Pro 1000, Six Pack Pro and Load Master presses. Ships with four clear case feed tubes, Case Slider Block, Riser Block for taller cartridges, and Small and Large Feed Plate. Increases production during the reloading process.
1982 to 2022 Pro 1000 press owners: if your press is equipped with Z-Bar and bent Z-Bar, it will work with this new Universal Case Feeder.
Load-Master press owners: crank slider is compatible with the Universal Case Feeder.
Automatic Processing Press (APP) owners: This case feeder is compatible, use the red case inserter & risers that ship with your APP.
Automatic Case Primer (ACP) owners: This case feeder is compatible, use the red case inserter & risers that ship with your ACP.
Deluxe Automatic Processing Press owners: This case feeder is compatible, use the red case inserter & risers that ship with your Deluxe APP press.
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